Travel Fellowship

ISJR offers Travel Awards (typically 2-3 stipends, in the amount of $1,000 USD) in order to encourage and facilitate the international participation of scholars to the biennial ISJR conferences. 

To be eligible for the award, applicants need to have an accepted presentation at the upcoming 
ISJR conference.  In the spirit of enabling participation in the conference that might otherwise be unaffordable, selection will be based primarily on funding needs, but with academic merit as an additional consideration.

Please check back in early 2025 for an update on the next round of funding -- the call for applications will also be circulated via the ISJR member listerv. 

In order to help to support our travel awards, please make sure you renew your membership yearly.  Please contact if you wish to donate further to enable even more opportunities, or have additional ideas of how you can support our international community of scholars.